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Tabs slept in my office and provided supervisory support while I did these lip swatches. These are from the MAC Strip Down Collection of nude lipsticks and glosses. More from MAC Strip Down… Spellbound by MAC Strip Down: Mehr Matte Lipstick Spellbound by MAC Strip Down: Whirl Matte Lipstick Spellbound by MAC Strip Down: Twig Satin Lipstick Tabs isn’t working anymore, but that hasn’t stopped him from giving me side eye for not doing my hair or putting on makeup. It was also sunny and warm here, and Tabs felt like doing some relaxing catnip gardening on the back deck....

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Tabs was many things — pro feline football player, fashion phenom, philanthropist, seafood lover, fabulous chef — but one thing he wasn’t was a skilled fisherman. His lack of fishing skills was his secret shame. He just didn’t have the patience for it. Sure, he loved fishing fashion, designer sunglasses and lounging by the lake with a bottle of bubbly, but the actual fishing part of it? Not a fan, and he REALLY didn’t like getting dirty pond water on his fur. That being said, he was an award-winning three-time Novato Birding Champion. It’s just that fishing wasn’t one of...

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OK…so, this blog is called “Makeup and Beauty Blog.” I realize that. It was makeup that brought most of us together, but I’d love to hear about your other hobbies, too. What are your interests? Do you like antiquing? Renaissance fairs? Knitting? Hiking? Stand-up paddle boarding? Something else? I like to cook and bake. I like gardening, reading, cat wrangling, exercising (well…sometimes it’s a love/hate thing), photography, and I love watching movies. A few years ago I tried knitting for a spell, but it didn’t take…most likely because I’m terrible at it. 🙂 So I quit. I also used to...

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Ya know, I revel in being the quirky neighbor who smiles like a maniac while taking pictures of the MAC Hint of Colour Lip Oils by some freesia on the side of the road. I don’t even care if people look at me weird. I just smile 😀 and wave 👋 like I’m supposed to be there… And, I mean, I’m not not supposed to be there. After all, who wouldn’t want to stop and admire lovely freesia? They’re beautiful, and when the freesia appear, winter is saying “Peace out!” Warmer days are comin’. Like freesia, the MAC Hint of...

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I’m warning you now — ONLY wear this makeup when you want to feel like a total bad-@ss capable of capturing, and then breaking, all of the hearts 💔 in a room within the span of 5 minutes. This beauty buddy movie pairs two bold focal points together — a messy reddish brown smoky eye and a crisp blackened red matte lip — to create a jammin’ juxtaposition of grungy and glam, and you know I’m all about the contrasts in makeup. 🙂 To keep the overall look approachable and well out of Insta-glam territory, I paired the eyes and...

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