The MAC Hint of Colour Lip Oils

Ya know, I revel in being the quirky neighbor who smiles like a maniac while taking pictures of the MAC Hint of Colour Lip Oils by some freesia on the side of the road.
I don’t even care if people look at me weird. I just smile 😀 and wave 👋 like I’m supposed to be there… And, I mean, I’m not not supposed to be there. After all, who wouldn’t want to stop and admire lovely freesia? They’re beautiful, and when the freesia appear, winter is saying “Peace out!” Warmer days are comin’.
Like freesia, the MAC Hint of Colour Lip Oils, which are LE and available now for $17, are also cool. They look like they should be intensely pigmented, right? Like liquid nirvana? But they aren’t. They’re shockingly sheer, just like the name goes. They leave a hint of color, and I think that’s a good thing for lip moisturizers, because when my lips need moisture, I don’t want to deal with a mirror. I just want something easy, and an extra hint of color is also nice.
These are basically super sheer, lightly tinted vanilla-scented glossy lip balms that feel exactly like the MAC Cremesheen Glasses to me.
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