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Circle of lifeAlex Mustard, UKNikon D850 + 28–70mm f3.5–4.5 lens at 31mm + Nauticam Wide Angle Conversion Port; 1/60 sec at f11; ISO 500; Subal housing; two Seacam Seaflash 150D strobesIn the clear water of the Red Sea, a shoal of bigeye trevally circle 80 feet down at the edge of the reef. For the past 20 years Alex has travelled here, to Ras Mohammad—a national park at the tip of Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula—to photograph the summer-spawning aggregations of reef fish. This time, it was the high numbers of bigeye trevally. Their circling behavior is a dating exercise prior to...

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Hell no! I would hate it. I mean, you know…I’d love some of the perks. I could probably deal with it for about a year, but eventually the attention would wear me down, man. I couldn’t handle having everything I did or wore or said be totally scrutinized. I like doing normal people things waaaaaay too much. Like, I need to be able to buy an extra large bulk jar of Nutella and the new Us Weekly at 11 in the evening without announcing it to the world! I was thinking about this because of a movie I started streaming...

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Engineers at Princeton found that by carefully shaping the area to which energy is delivered within a laser can dramatically improve the laser’s performance. The researchers developed a mathematical approach to optimizing the pattern of energy delivery to achieve a desired outcome. In the case shown, pumping energy into a diamond shape produces powerful directional emission of light from the laser. Credit: Omer Malik, Tureci Group, Princeton University Source: Turning loss to gain: Cutting power could dramatically boost laser output (

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Been thinking about this poem a lot lately. At my first job in San Francisco, my boss had this on the wall of his office, and every few years I re-read it and fall in love with it again. Desiderata Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the...

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Saw this on my feed this morning, and it hit a little too close to home, LOL! As Fox Mulder famously said, “The truth is out there…” I agree, and I think that someday the truth will finally be revealed about whether some Starbucks baristas purposefully muck up your name. 😒 Extra points for creativity to the young man who spelled my name exactly like this luxury French fragrance house: Caron Paris. Thanks to my friend Joey for pointing this out! I’d never heard of Caron Paris before Joey mentioned it, and now I have yet another place to add...

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