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Saturday Surfing, May 19th, 2018
DUDE…there’s a lot of sunscreen action happening on my body right now. I’ve got Clinique on my left arm, Supergoop on my right, a little Neutrogena on my neck, some Babyganics on my left cheek (the cheek on my face, in case you’re wondering, haha!). No, I’m not going to the pool. Still too cold for that. But May is moving at light speed, and summer is quickly approaching, so I’m testing some “new to me” things. This makes me cringe to admit, but I haven’t been very good about wearing sunscreen lately… I know, I know. 🙁 Just been...
The “New” MAC 224 Synthetic Tapered Blending Brush…
Hey, can I borrow your hot tub/DeLorean time machine for an hour? Pretty please? I need to get back to 2017 or, really, any time before MAC revamped their brush line and changed so many of their classic brushes. Like this one: the 224. If you say “yes,” I’ll babysit your cat or bake you brownies. What do ya say? Deal? 🙂 MAC 224S Synthetic Tapered Blending Brush ($34) I wish I could stock up those old 224s because — HELLO, CRANKY PANTS — this new version is scratchy and stiff, several of the bristles have fallen out, and the...
Sundays With Tabs the Cat, Makeup and Beauty Blog Mascot, Vol. 491
As you know, Tabs has 12 Oscars — more than any other cat actor — and before he left Novato this weekend to attend the 90th Academy Awards in Los Angeles (he’s nominated in the Best Supporting Cat Actor category for his riveting portrayal of a brainwashed former kitty supermodel in Get Out), he texted me a few reminder highlight pics from past years, like the time he photobombed Bradley Cooper… While Tabs is out of town, I’m organizing his trophy case, which is more of a trophy room, because he’s quite confident that he’s going to win his 13th...
Makeup and Beauty Blog Monday Poll, Vol. 580
So…what is the Monday Poll? Excellent question! It isn’t, contrary to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of five ever-changing, more-or-less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since early 2007). I love reading your answers. It helps me get my week off to a good start, and I hope it does the same for you. 1. What does your hair look like today? Well, I got up a little earlier than usual today so I could do my hair and wear it...
The 5 Out of 5 Hearts Club: Mallywood Smoky Mama! Mascara
The “5 Out of 5 Hearts Club” ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ is a new series where you’ll find out about limited edition beauty products that are all that and a bag of baked Cheetos! — a.k.a. perfection in every single way. No shame moment: I’m one of those creepers who walks around unabashedly staring at strangers’ lashes without any qualms whatsoever. At times, it’s been so intense that people have stopped me to ask, “Do I know you?” and I’m like, “Nah, I’m just admiring your lashes like a weirdo. Don’t mind me!” If I saw someone wearing this mascara, I’d pull them...