If You Had Two Extra Hours Today (and You Weren’t Already Completely Exhausted), What Would You Do With Them?

If You Had Two Extra Hours Today (and You Weren’t Already Completely Exhausted), What Would You Do With Them?

If You Had Two Extra Hours Today (and You Weren’t Already Completely Exhausted), What Would You Do With Them?

What would you do with your 26-hour Tuesday? Because I’m a glutton for punishment…I’d probably be tempted to do something productive. There are so many things I want to do around the house, but I’d also love to coordinate a block of time with El Hub so he could take Connor on a daddy/daughter date. And then maybe I’d just rest and recharge on the couch with a book or Netflix.

Or, I’d take a nap. 😴

I know, such lofty goals. 😂

Or maybe I’d go to the movies and get a big tub of popcorn (kettle corn sandwich-4-life!). I still want to see Crazy Rich Asians.

Of course, I’d probably fall asleep at the movies, too, because I’m *that* person now, ha ha ha!

Your turn. You have a 26-hour Tuesday today. What do you do? GO!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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